Access to Recovery: ATR

Access to Recovery, or ATR, is a federally-funded program that provides clients with access to services that can help them break free from their use of alcohol and other drugs. These services include traditional clinical treatment services, as well as alternative recovery support services that have not been traditionally funded in the past. One of the key components of ATR is that clients are allowed a genuine, free, and independent choice of a provider that will best meet their recovery needs. ATR also offers clients the ability to choose from an array of providers that include licensed clinical treatment agencies as well as grassroots, community, and faith-based organizations.
How Does Choice Work in ATR?
ATR is designed to provide choice to clients wishing to participate in clinical treatment and/or recovery support services. Clients that meet criteria for ATR are given an assessment at enrollment. Clients are then allowed to choose the agency they would like to attend by looking through a selection of ATR provider profiles that match their service needs and their program priorities.
Every ATR provider fills out a profile that outlines the services that they provide through ATR, as well as a description of their program, location, hours of operation, language(s) spoken, and special services offered. Pictures of each facility are also available in order to assist clients with making a decision about which facility the client would like to attend.
What is Auricular Therapy and How Does It Work?
Acupuncture is a therapy developed by the ancient Chinese that has been used for over five thousand years. The stimulation of points on the body encourages the flow of energy in the body along meridians (or channels) which in turn can affect us physically and mentally. Dr. Michael Smith, Director of Lincoln Recovery Center in New York developed the NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) protocol and describes auricular therapy (ear acupuncture and acupressure beads) as helping us achieve balance and control and has a peaceful, calming and empowering effect. Pathways in the ears correspond in miniature to the pathways in the whole body, and it is known that acupuncture releases endorphins (the body's own opiates) which in turn have wide ranging effects on our health, specifically, the immune system and our emotions. Debbie Stevens is licensed to provide the NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) 5 point ear acupuncture protocol as well as acupressure with beads for addictions including nicotine and other drugs. Debbie is a licensed mental health counselor and has an addictions certification.
What Does Auricular Therapy Do?
Research shows that it can reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings for tobacco and other drugs, decrease anxiety and insomnia, support detoxification, decrease relapse rates, promote relaxation and stress reduction, and support your own body's ability to help itself.