Substance Use Disorder Symposium
The Lugar Center for Rural Health in collaboration with Union Hospital Family Medicine Residency (UHFMR) and West Central Indiana Area Health Education Center (AHEC), would like to invite you to the Substance Use Disorder Symposium on April 24th. The event will highlight the work being done at a local and state level on addressing the opioid crisis and infectious diseases. A panel will inform the public on the impact of Substance Use in vulnerable populations.

We are glad to bring this event to the public for free
Click here to see the agenda.
Click here to Register for the event.
Additionally, the Keynote Speaker, Rodrigo Garcia will address attendees with his wife, Claudia both from the Parkdale Treatment Center for Professionals. Their presentations will cover the far reaching effects of addiction and the impaired provider.
Rodrigo Garcia is the Co-Founder and CEO of Parkdale Center for Professionals, an addiction treatment facility specializing in the management of the impaired health care provider. He himself has been a direct care provider in the health care field for more than 20 years. He has experience in emergency management, intensive care, surgical services, and anesthesia. He has also emerged successfully from a professional victory with his own battle with the disease of substance use disorder.He is currently the compliance director for the Indiana Professionals Recovery Program (IPRP); a delegate to the National Safety Council, and has held faculty positions at Evanston Northwestern School of Anesthesia, Ivy Technical Community College –Nursing Department, and Valparaiso University School of Nursing.He has educated thousands of families, state employees, individuals, employers, and professional organizations on the addicted HAP and how this person affects every aspect of society. He is currently a lead investigator and co-founder of Parkdale Consulting, aprogram designed to identify, manage, mitigate consequences, and reduce diversion in the hospital system.As the Parkdale CEO and IPRP compliance director, he is committed to providing healthcare professionals, their employers, and families with the most effective, comprehensive,and progressive treatment, monitoring, and accountability programs possible.
Where: Landsbaum Center for Health Education
When: April 24th
Time: Doors Open at 8:30
Cost: FREE