Lugar Center's Summer Hoosier Rural Preceptorship
The Lugar Center continues its longstanding efforts to improve
the supply and distribution of health care providers through the Summer Hoosier Rural Preceptorship Program (SHRP). SHRP is an 8-week experience for students who are enrolled in medical school during the summer between students’ first and second year of medical school. Students spend time with family physicians, residents, hospital physicians, specialists, EMTs, Lifeline, and attend the Indiana Rural Health Association's annual conference.

Launched in 1992, SHRP supports the Lugar Center’s mission of preparing and training primary care physicians for successful rural practice and exposing individuals not yet decided on a career to the rewards of delivering healthcare services in a rural area. To date upwards of 210 medical students have participated in the preceptorship program. Overall, 74% of the students who complete the SHRP opt for a primary care specialty and 43% of the program graduates have elected to practice in rural settings after completing their residency training. This year’s students were from Medical Schools in Indiana, Illinois, and Pennsylvania.